Saturday, 14 June 2014

Black cat kindu day

eh depression... 

with the new diagnosis of tourettes i have had to change my medications, which means coming off my anti depressants. well i can feel myself going down hill, im very negative and grumpy today...irritable... generally just a cow.

My face is 'droopy' and it feels like effort to attempt to look happy or smile. Today i moved alot of my stuff out a room i will be using for exercise, but didnt get around to making my weekly planner... today is a struggle, i dont know how tomorrow will be but im TRYING to look forward and stay positive. I havent gone for a walk or exercise but didnt binge either

Hopefully with the next rise in dosage from my new medications it will stop these low points.. i REALLY hope it stops them.. i have been so excited for 12WBT i do not want my issues getting in the way of my goal.... i will get through

tomorrow is a new day


  1. oohhhh man, I just wrote you a huge reply and I lost it! Let me try again.
    Right so I too battle depression and I understand it's a daily battle. It took me about 6 months to level out after weaning off my antidepressants so I can only imagine how hard this is for you while trying to sort out meds for other things too. I really do find that my moods are better on the days that I exercise but there is the vicious cycle of having a ‘bad’ day and you just can’t CBF getting off your ass to do it. Remember to call someone and vent or get on here and blog if there are things you need to get off your chest and JFDI if you CBF exercising. One day at a time sweetheart, you’ll get there xx

    1. I didn't even think anyone would read this!!! Iv gotten worse and not coping at all, tried using excercise to boost happy endorphans but just burst into tears. Tried eating healthy for the past few weeks and no change in mood, just getting worse and worse. Has come at the worst time but i think i have to pull out of this round
