Thursday, 12 June 2014

kitten to fat cat - WHY THE HELL DID I MAKE A BLOG

Why have i made a blog? well... im a fat cat.

Pudgy, round and hissy.

I have decided i want to get back to being a sexy, skinny lil' kitty! I have had a really tough past few years, coming from a not so simple childhood. But getting a diagnosis such as tourettes? I decided nope, not doing this 'hard life' thing anymore! 

SO, i am flipping my life on its head, what have i got to lose? (weight, lol) I have started a life style change starting with Michelle Bridges 12 week body transformation, I have decided to be more selfish and take the next few months and really get my shit together.
when i was a sexy 65-70 kg
yucky 85 kg
100 kg and GROSS @ my 22nd bday

Ok, so on the VERY SLIM chance anyone will ACTUALLY read this, im going to give a quick summery of me!

I am 22 and live in South Australia. I have fit a lot into my 22 years, I have been a Teaching assistant, manager at a supermarket, Silver service waitress, barista, bar worker, uni student and owner of a non-for profit animal mission. I was a healthy 65kg at 5ft 8 at highschool but bad self image and bullying has me at 108kgs. Depression, dyslexia, anxiety, OCD and tourettes syndrome haunt me.
last day of year 12 = 65-70kg
Growing up life wasn’t handed to me on a silver platter, I had Dyslexia to the point my school teachers would tell me ‘don’t worry you wont even make it to high school’. I had to watch my siblings struggle with Asperger’s, ADHD and autism. My mum broke her neck while working as a nurse. My dad was an up and coming Olympic hopeful who was hit by a car and career destroyed.

But we got through all of that, I proved primary school teachers wrong and got an academic scholarship to high school. More family stuff went on, and I got picked on at school… yay… I tended to attract the ‘users’. I was VERY unlucky with friends through high school, guess that happens when you’re a poor kid at a rich school.

School finished and I got a serious boyfriend. I started work as a teaching assistant while juggling a visual arts degree as well as being a checkout chick at a supermarket. The boyfriend was a douchebag, really picked on me about looks, weight and future. Later after we were over I found out this was all while dating other girls for the 9 months we dated – a real keeper!
at his 21st - hes a wanker
Things started to run a bit smoother for a few months and I made the leap to move out of home (YAY). But things didn’t stay good for too long. My work promoted me to a supervisor role at the checkouts, that’s when the bullying started! 
look i used to have a jawbone! photo before work @ large supermarket

MY GOD! How 40- 50 year old women can bully a 20 year old girl!!! Ruthless old cows, even got physically assaulted and one of the husbands stole my car and took the engine out!!!!!!! NOT EVEN JOKING! Police got involved and the bullying and rumours got worse at work. I quit my teaching assistant job as depression and anxiety took hold. ANNNNND the weight piled on.

I attempted suicide.

I ended up having to leave work all together.

I got in a bad accident and had to have surgery on both my hands, 3 weeks in hospital and months in physio to regain movement and control in all fingers. Yeah this happened in final year of my degree… while I was in hospital someone stole all my final years work and journals. I couldn’t graduate.

some of the stolen work

before, during after surgery


My landlord wanted to up the rent and without working I moved back home. Yeah not ideal as I used to share a room with my sister and now her boyfriend had moved in…. so Tiff gets the couch!

As a way to get my mental health better I opened my own animal mission where I planned to help sick street kitties and incorporate TNR in SA. I had already been doing rescue for a few years on a small scale. It Boomed, people loved FINALLY having an honest and down to earth animal advocate on their level. My mission became very popular and word spread, everyone wanted to adopt from me.

some of the kitties i saved

My parents changed the lounge room into a bedroom! Yay have a bed!

The rescue helped my depression, it gave me something low stress to focus on. That was until 2014 when I spoke up against a ‘hot topic’ of free animals. That’s when a big organisation set out to close the mission.

During the abuse I copped from this organisation, my depression and anxiety took over completely, with this came tics.

Whenever I was stressed I would get tics but the doctors put it down to not knowing calming techniques. Nope, finally got the real diagnosis in June 2014, I have tourettes syndrome.

SO… I was absorbing all these realisations, all my failures in life, all my negative roads I took, I looked at all the people who used and abused me… there was 2 options – suicide or change.

I chose to take control over my life and make a change, FUCK THE PAST im taking control of my future. Im starting with weight loss, then im going back to uni and work and I AM going to buy a house. I have great friends now, over the last year I found people who are genuinely nice! Holy cow!

from some amazing friends after getting my diagnosis  <3

SO that’s my life in a nutshell, there’s a lot I left out but you get the general idea of the shitty cards I got dealt. But im going to deal my own cards now, im taking control!

This blog will serve as a reminder to me, where I have come from and where I want to be.

time to get fit!


  1. HOLY SHIT WOMAN! You are the strongest shelia I have ever read about!!
    GO YOU. I just love your honesty. I will totally be a regular stalker.... I mean reader of your blog for sure.
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
    I have a blog too if you'd like to have a gander. I have Bipolar and so know all about depression.

    1. hahaha <3 u know what the worst thing is though? thats only about half of it!!! I will check out ur page now! good to have a stalker!

  2. Wow, good on you girl! You have some real strength and determination. Your positive attitude will get you a long way. I'll join your (stalker) follower list and together we will ensure you have support all over the country. You got this!
